Thursday, 20 October 2016

Horror Film and Reflective Analysis

This scene begins with a long shot tracking the character walking through the hallway, there is also low key lighting. This is to set the scene showing we are in a house and also the low key lighting gives impressions of mystery and evokes fear of the unknown. To make this better i feel we could have used a better quality piece of film. The next shot is a close up of the character's feet walking slowly, this gives connotations of fear and hesitation as though she actually might not want to go where she is going but curiosity has got the better of her. The scene then cuts to a extreme high angle shot of the character coming towards the bottom of a staircase, she looks up suggesting that she may have heard something unusual and is going to find it. The high angle suggests that there may be someone up the stairs and also percieves the character as being innocent. The next shot is another close up of her feet, this time going up the stairs. This starts to imply that she might be walking towards danger, also the non-diegetic music starts to build at this point increasing the tension. The scene then cuts to multiple shots on a door, showing that the focus is on this door suggesting something may be behind it. There is also non-diegetic breathing sounds suggesting someone is there which is a convention of horror films (monsters, strange insane people). In the end she reaches for the door handle which turns before she can get to it. This is the climax of the scene and i think that it would have been much better if the noise had been much louder and sudden as i think it sounds like a knock and wouldn't scare me in any way what so ever. Over all i also think it would have been more effective with better quality film.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Mise-en-scene: Setting/Location

This scene begins with a train moving through a dark, foggy valley. This immediately conveys to the audience that there is a dangerous, uncomfortable and unsafe theme to this scene. The train is isolated  therefore showing that the passengers are on their own, they are completely helpless. Pathetic fallacy is used with the rain and fog to give feelings of misery and unease. The scene then cuts to four people sat in a rickety carriage, one asleep with a cloak over most of himself. again there is a feeling of being helpless as they are trapped in a carriage and all that can be seen is the dark dreary outside.