Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Manchester by the sea (2016) - US Independent

Genre- drama

Release- 18th November 2016

Director - Kenneth Lonergan

Budget - $8.5 million

Box Office - $72.5 million

Ratings -

IMDb - 8/10
The Guardian - 5/5
Rotten Tomatoes - 96%

Cast -
Randi - Michelle Williams
Lee Chandler - Casey Affleck
Joe Chandler - Kyle Chandler
Patrick - Lucas Hedges

Monday, 13 March 2017

Natural Born Killers and Badlands

Badlands- 1973 - Terrence Malick

Key scenes:
Murder Scene:
Kit trespassing on the American Dream, he is out of place. The father comes between Kit and Holly showing he is the obstacle they have to overcome, related to Lovers on the Lam'. He is now above the father showing he has control. The lighting is blue around kit compared to the orange around the father showing that kit is cold hearted, this is also shown by Kit having a weapon when the father is weaponless. He then stands next to the fridge, reinstating this again. He is nonchalant about murdering someone showing he is a psychopath.

Wood Scene:
Kit and Holly are creating a treehouse in the woods, this shows their childishness and naivety. It is also filmed from a low angle showing that they feel on top of the world. When Kit and Holly are sleeping in the treehouse it is filmed panning to the right showing first Kit asleep and the Holly. Using this technique is a perfect way to show Kit and Holly's relationship and how they aren't as close as they say. Kit runs around the fields, shirtless with a gun giving reference to the Vietnam war that was going on at the time the film was made. Kit shoots the men in the back showing he is a coward and Holly doesn't really care showing she's cold hearted.

Rich House:
Invading the rich man's house and therefore invading on 'The American Dream'. They look out of place. Kit records his voice again showing their constant want for fame.


Natural Born Killers - 1994 - Oliver Stone

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Foreign Film - The Salesman- Case study

Release date: 21st May 2016 at Cannes film festival, 31st August 2016 in Iran.

Box Office: $2,213,405

Stars: Shahab Hossieni, Taraneh Alidoosti

Genre: Drama, Thriller

Production company: Memento Films Production, Asghar Farhadi Production, Arte France Cinema.

Certificate: 12A

Director: Asghar Fahardi

Cannes best actor award - 2016
Academy award for best foreign language film-2017
Cannes film festival award  for best screenplay - 2016
Satellite Award for Best Foreign Language Film - 2017

IMDb: 8.2/10
Metacritic: 86%
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%


The trailer shows two awards (best actor, best screenplay) from the Cannes Film Festival to entice people to watch it, and also the Academy Awards for best foreign language film.